
Cameron City Pool – PWA Project #1196, Park Street (7/14/93) [2]

Cameron Downtown Historic District, Roughly bounded by Church Street, Waynesburg Avenue, Main Street and Park Street (12/4/98) [27]

Spencer Cemetery, 668 Burley Hill Rd. (12/12/12)

Glen Dale

Bennett Cockayne House, 1111 Wheeling Avenue (12/12/02)


McMechen Lockmaster Houses on the Ohio River, 623-625 Grant Street (11/12/92) [3] (DEMOLISHED)


Ferrell-Holt House (“Kirkside”), 609 Jefferson Avenue (2/3/87) [1]

Grave Creek Mound, Jefferson Avenue between 9th and 10th Sts NR (10/15/66) [1] (NHL 1966)

Moundsville Commercial Historic District, Along Jefferson, 7th and Lafayette (SR 2) Sts, (3/17/95) [72]

Bushrod Washington Price House, 1803 Virginia Street (11/22/95) [1]

West Virginia State Penitentiary, 818 Jefferson Avenue (9/19/96) [4]

Moundsville Vicinity

Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold, 3759 McCrearys Ridge Road (8/28/2019) [18]