To visit the State Museum’s Education webpage, go here.
To visit the Archives and History webpage, go here.
Main: (304) 558-0220
WV Department of Arts, Culture and History
Capitol Complex
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305-0300
WV State Museum Education Department
The State Museum’s education programs support the West Virginia Department of Education’s (WVDE) vision of high standards and preparedness for higher learning. The programs meet the College and Career Readiness content standards and objectives for West Virginia schools, combine multiple disciplines, and target all grade levels. The format involves designing experiences that require research, peer-to-peer learning, investigation and reflection, which strengthen higher-order thinking skills and analytical proficiency.
Our Education Department has orientation materials, activities, and more to make the most of your visit. Check out some of the key online resources to further enhance your West Virginia arts, culture and history studies.
WV Archives and History
Whether studying for the Golden Horseshoe exam, researching your family lineage, or looking for information on the history of West Virginia, the Archives and History website is the premier on-line resource. The site features primary and secondary source documents, photographs, and databases; lists collections and other materials available in the State Archives; and provides research guides and assistance for genealogists. Click here to explore Archives and History’s teacher’s resources.
An Introduction to West Virginia Archives and History