Alum Bridge Vicinity
May-Kraus Farm, 3052 Crooked Run Rd. (3/22/06)
Burnsville Vicinity
Weston and Gauley Bridge Turnpike, Section between Stonewall Jackson Lake and Burnsville Lake (Braxton and Lewis Counties) (1/28/99) [2]
Camden Vicinity
Gum Farmstead Historic District (11.30.2020), 3414 Freeman’s Creek Road
St. Bernard Church and Cemetery, CR 20/6 and 17/2 (7/12/85) [2]
Crawford Vicinity
Upper Glady School, County Road 52, 1.9 miles north of McCord Run Road (3/20/02)
Walkersville Vicinity
“Annamede”(Davisson-Blair House ), US 19 (3/11/87) [8]
Walkersville Covered Bridge, CR 19/17 near US 19, West Virginia Covered Bridges TR (6/4/81) [1]
The Louis Bennett Public Library is now known as the “Lewis County War Memorial and Louis Bennett Library” – Lewis County War Memorial and Louis Bennett Library (original nomination), June 9, 1978
The Louis Bennett Public Library is now known as the “Lewis County War Memorial and Louis Bennett Library” – Lewis County War Memorial and Louis Bennett Library (AD), March 16, 2020
Weston Colored School, 345 Center Street (4/9/93) [3]
Weston Downtown Historic District, Parts of Main, Center and Court Avenues, Second and Third Streets (9/28/85) [61]
Weston State Hospital, River Street NR (4/19/78) [1] (NHL 6/21/90)
Weston Downtown Residential Historic District, Portions of Main, Center, and Court Aves, East First, East Third, East Fourth, East Fifth and East Sixth Sts. (2/2/05)
Weston Vicinity
Jackson’s Mill, Off CR 12 and CR 10, 3 miles from Weston (2/23/72) [1]
Jackson’s Mill 4-H Camp Historic District, 160 Jackson’s Mill Road (2/4/05)