Burnsville Bridge, Old Bridge Street over Little Kanawha River (3/17/95) [1]
Weston and Gauley Bridge Turnpike, Section between Stonewall Jackson Lake and Burnsville Lake (Part of roadway is also in Lewis County) (1/28/99) [2]
Cedarville Vicinity
Michael Smith House, End of CR 5/1 1 mile from Junction CR 19/26 (9/26/06)
Gassaway Railroad Depot, between 4th and 5th Streets (3/17/94) [1]
Napier Vicinity
Cunningham House and Outbuildings, (3/21/84) [3] Bulltown MRA
Union Civil War Fortification, address restricted (3/21/84) [1] Bulltown MRA
W.E. Haymond House, 110 South Stonewall Street (4/21/04)
Old Sutton High School (Sutton Grade School), North Hill Road (8/29/79) [1]
Sutton Downtown Historic District, roughly bounded by Main Street, River View Drive and 1st Street (7/10/87) [87]
Tesla Vicinity
Windy Run Grade School, junction of CR 38 and CR 19/48 (1/12/84) [1]