Click the GoApply logo to the left. Next grant deadline is April 1. Grants with rolling application deadlines are listed below the April 1 grants.
Make sure to read all of the information below! If you experience issues, please contact our grants officer, Barbie Smoot, by email at


  1. ALL APPLICATIONS will be submitted through our online grant application portal, GoApply, linked directly above. The portal will open for the October 1 grant deadline on or around August 1. Sample forms linked throughout this page should be used only to help gather the needed information to complete the online application.
  2. UEI REQUIRED: ALL ORGANIZATIONS applying for funding from the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History will be required to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) from in alignment with requirements from the National Endowment for the Arts. For further information about obtaining your UEI, please refer to the webinar recording from November 3, 2021. OR, view the slide deck here. To begin the process, click here. Please note: Obtaining a UEI is FREE, so beware of scams.
  3. All applicants should review the general guidelines linked here before submitting an application.
  4. All applicants must be registered as Vendors with a W-9 on file with the state. All applicants must be registered for Electronic Fund Transfer (Direct Deposit). Instructions for completing both of these steps can be found by clicking here.
  5. Individual Applicants: Click here for instructions regarding vendor registration and Electronic Funds Transfer details for artists applying for grants as individuals.
  6. Visit this page for information on how to acknowledge support from the Commission on the Arts or the Endowment.

ADA Accessibility

Application portal will open early 2025: GoApply

Grants marked with an asterisk are open to individual artists.

Arts in Education – Arts Exposure Projects*

Description: Provides up to 50% of eligible costs to schools and 501(c)3 arts organizations, both touring and presenting, as well individual artists and artist collectives to present professional performing, literary, and visual artists to students in grades K-12.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
AIE Arts Exposure Projects guidelines and application
Arts in Education Final Report
Arts in Education Touring Final Report

(Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Arts in Education – School-Based and Out-of-School-Time Projects

Description: Provides up to 50% of eligible costs to schools and 501(c)3 organizations for curriculum-based, hands-on projects that involve K-12 students and teachers in the arts during daily instruction or outside of regular school hours.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
AIE School-Based and Out-of-School-Time Projects guidelines and application
Arts in Education Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Arts Partners
Program has been
discontinued and replaced by General Operating Support grant

Arts Partners Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Community Arts Project Support (CAPS)

Description: Provides up to $20,000 in support to projects offering arts experiences to the public in West Virginia. Projects in all artistic disciplines (visual, performing, media, literary, folk, etc.) are eligible. WV 501(c)3 organizations with arts-related missions, local governments, county school boards, and colleges and universities (see special restrictions in guidelines) may apply.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.

CAPS Project Guidelines and Sample Application

CAPS Individual Project Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Creative Aging for Lifelong Learning (CALL)*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 to individual artists, schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations for projects that teach a new skill in the arts to a group of adults.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
CALL Grant Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
CALL Final Report Form (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Cultural Facilities and Capital Resources
Letter of Intent: February 1

Description: Provides support to schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 arts organizations and history museums for the acquisition, construction, and renovation of venues, accessibility improvements, and capital purchases of durable equipment.
INFO AND SAMPLE FORMS: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Letter of Intent Requirements
Cultural Facilities and Capital Resources guidelines and application
Final Report Form (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

General Operating Support
Letter of Intent: February 1

Description: Provides funds for general operating support to arts organizations to further the general purpose or work of the organization rather than for a specific purpose or project.

INFO AND SAMPLE FORM: This form will open in Google, but applicants must download it using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. This form is ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
General Operating Support Sample Application
Coming Soon (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Living Traditions: Folk Art – Project Support for Artists*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for individual artists to improve their skills through activities, structured courses, workshops, trainings, or internship programs; or create folk art projects, including acquisition of specialized equipment or contracted services to complete a project.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Folk Art: Living Traditions – Individual Artist Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Folk Art Individual Artist Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Living Traditions: Folk Art – Organizations Providing Folk Art Opportunities

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations that host workshops, activities, or trainings to West Virginians in folk or traditional arts.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Folk Art: Living Traditions – Organizations – Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Folk Art Organizations Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Professional Development for Artists*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for professional and emerging artists to expand or improve their work or share their expertise.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Professional Development for Artists – Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Professional Development for Individual Artist Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

STEAM Power West Virginia

Click here for our STEAM Power WV information page.


STEAM Grant Final Report Form (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Youth Engagement through Public Art Grant

Description: Provides up to $5,000 to schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations in support of public art projects that engage local youth in the planning and/or implementation of the project.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Youth Engagement through Public Art Grant Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Final Report – Youth Engagement through Public Art (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)


Application portal open now: GoApply

Grants marked with an asterisk are open to individual artists.
Read “Vital Information” at the top of the page before applying.

America 250 – Deadline: 6 weeks prior to project date

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for schools, 501(c)3 organizations, local governments, and public libraries for events and educational initiatives that celebrate the United States of America’s 250th birthday and West Virginia’s contributions to the country. THIS GRANT APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE GOAPPLY LINK AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE.

Arts in Education Mini-Grants – Deadline: 6 weeks prior to project date

Description: Provides up to $1,000 for schools and 501(c)3 organizations for the presentation of West Virginia artists in performances, workshops and other arts education experiences serving K-12 students. THIS GRANT APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE GOAPPLY LINK AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE.
Mini-Grant Application
Mini-Grant Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Certified Arts Communities

Description: A special designation for communities that have realized the benefits of cooperation among arts and humanities groups, business leaders, and jurisdictional agencies. Contact the arts office for more information.

Community Arts Mini-Grants – Deadline: 6 weeks prior to project date

Description: Provides up to $2,000 to local governments and 501(c)3 organizations for projects that present artists in performances, workshops, and other projects with a specific arts focus. THIS GRANT APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THIS GOAPPLY LINK.
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal.
Community Arts Mini Grant Sample Application
Mini Grant Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Cultural Facilities and Capital Resources Fast Track

Description: Provides up to $10,000 in emergency support to schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations for the renovation of arts venues and history museums, accessibility improvements, and capital purchases.
Fast Track ADA & Emergency Grant guidelines and application
Final Report Form (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to download form. Form cannot be edited online.)

Travel and Training – Deadline: 4 weeks before event* – The Travel & Training application portal is now open for FY25 projects to be completed between July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. Submit your application using the GoApply link at the top of this page.

Description: Provides up to $500 in travel support to artists, arts administrators, and arts educators for conferences, workshops, seminars, and showcases inside and outside of West Virginia. THIS GRANT APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THIS GOAPPLY LINK.
SAMPLE FORM: Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited. This form is ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal.
Instructions and Sample Application: Training and Travel


Application portal will open on or around August 1: GoApply

Grants marked with an asterisk are open to individual artists.

Creative Aging for Lifelong Learning (CALL)*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 to individual artists, schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations for projects that teach a new skill in the arts to a group of adults. Application Deadline: October 1
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
CALL Grant Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
CALL Final Report Form (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Living Traditions: Folk Art – Project Support for Artists*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for individual artists to improve their skills through activities, structured courses, workshops, trainings, or internship programs; or create folk art projects, including acquisition of specialized equipment or contracted services to complete a project. Application Deadline: October 1
SAMPLE FORM: These forms below will open in Google, but applicants must use the “File” menu in the upper left of the open document to either download the form or “make a copy” to edit in Google docs. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Folk Art: Living Traditions – Individual Artist – Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Folk Art Individual Artist Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Living Traditions: Folk Art – Organizations Providing Folk Art Opportunities

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations that host workshops, activities, or trainings to West Virginians in folk or traditional arts. Application Deadline: October 1
SAMPLE FORM: These forms below will open in Google, but applicants must use the “File” menu in the upper left of the open document to either download the form or “make a copy” to edit in Google docs. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Folk Art: Living Traditions – Organizations Providing Folk Art Opportunities Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Folk Art Organizations Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Professional Development for Artists*

Description: Provides up to $5,000 for professional and emerging artists to expand or improve their work or share their expertise. Application Deadline: October 1
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Professional Development for Artists – Instructions and Sample Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Professional Development for Individual Artist Final Report (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)

Youth Engagement through Public Art Grant

Description: Provides up to $5,000 to schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations in support of public art projects that engage local youth in the planning and/or implementation of the project. Application Deadline: October 1
SAMPLE FORM: These forms will open in Google, but applicants must download them using the “File” menu in the upper right of the open document. These forms are ONLY for gathering information. All applications must be submitted through the online application portal linked at the top of this page.
Youth Engagement through Public Art Grant Application (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)
Final Report – Youth Engagement through Public Art (Once document opens, use “File” menu in upper left to make an editable copy in Google Drive or download as .docx to edit in Microsoft Word. Original document cannot be edited)